BIG DATA: A big question for us?

Problem or boon for us.

Mukul Jeveriya
3 min readSep 17, 2020


We all familiar with the term DATA. Till 2010 world wise we have approx 5ZB data but now this word of technology we see a increase in this number. Presently in 2020 we are dealing with 50ZB data. Its a huge number and we see this increase exponentially. So size matters, now DATA become BigData.

Data can be anything like we all have a smartphone but we ever think how much data generates in form of text,mail,phone calls,music etc by a user, its approximately 40 Exabytes in a month by a single smartphone user.

5 billion uses smartphone world widely
if we multiply 5B by 40 Exabytes we get a number 200000000000.

its a lot for a human mind and as well as this number is so big to handle by traditional computer systems.

Smartphone is not only one who generates this size of data there are tons of example like

1)Social Media

2)Motion industries

3)Space science

4)Jet Engine

5)Health department and etc

Lets have a look how much data generated per minutes on the internet by well known sites.

2.1M snaps share on snapchats
3.8M query search on google
1M people log in on facebook
4.5M watching on youtube
188M sends on email
That's a lot of data.

Big data is not a technology its a Problem.

Its hard for industries how to handle huge amount of data in many ways.its like a umbrella of problems.

How technically we define DATA as BIGDATA

It can be possible with the concept of 8 V’s

Now we all have a Question how we store and process the Bigdata?

Well we have various framework like-




Various method we have to process BIGDATA by these framework like

Distribute file system

Distributed computing system

Parallel processing

Why companies dealing with huge data?

The answer is after storing and processing data,So at the time of analyzing this data. This pays of companies like

In gaming designer analyze user data to define at which stage user pause,restart and quit the game by this they rework and improve the user experince

BIgdata also help with diseaster management

Eproving cutomer services by analyzing their social data


US elections are manipulate by the Data of FaceBook analytic.

Thank you for reading!!!



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