How to launch and use a Container for simple webserver and Python interpreter.
In this article I am going to do some task on docker which is listed below.
- Configure HTTPD server on Docker Container
- Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container.
Let’s start..
Firstly we have to launch a docker container
docker run -it -p <any port:80> --name <any name> <docker image>
This is the command to simple deploy a docker container.
Now we are inside docker container. So let check whether the HTTPD software install or not.
rpm -q httpdcommand to check any program install or not
Let install the HTTPD program.
yum install httpd command to install httpd software
In above image you can see the software install successfully.
Now start the httpd services for this
httpd -k start
Httpd service is started just put our webpages on /var/www/html folder. So I wrote some simple httpd code in this folder. Now just hit the IP On browser.
Hurray!!! Look our webpage is live.
Now come to the Python Interpreter. For this we have to install python in container.
yum install python3command for installing python 3.
python3 --version command to check the version of python
In the above image we can simply use pyhton3 inside docker containerne
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