K-means Clustering

it’s use-cases in Security Domains

Mukul Jeveriya
3 min readAug 9, 2021


What is K-means Clustering?

k-means clustering is a method of vector quantization, originally from signal processing, that aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean (cluster centers or cluster centroid), serving as a prototype of the cluster. This results in a partitioning of the data space into Voronoi cells. k-means clustering minimizes within-cluster variances (squared Euclidean distances), but not regular Euclidean distances, which would be the more difficult Weber problem: the mean optimizes squared errors, whereas only the geometric median minimizes Euclidean distances. For instance, better Euclidean solutions can be found using k-medians and k-medoids.

How Does the K-means clustering algorithm work?

k-means clustering tries to group similar kinds of items in form of clusters. It finds the similarity between the items and groups them into the clusters. K-means clustering algorithm works in three steps. Let’s see what are these three steps.

1. Select the k values.

2. Initialize the centroids.

3. Select the group and find the average.

Let us understand the above steps with the help of the figure because a good picture is better than the thousands of words.

We will understand each diagram one by one.

  • Diagram 1 shows the representation of data of two different items. the first item has shown in blue color and the second item has shown in red color. Here I am choosing the value of K randomly as 2. There are different methods by which we can choose the right k values.
  • Diagram 2, Join the two selected points. Now to find out centroid, we will draw a perpendicular line to that line. The points will move to their centroid. If you will notice there, then you will see that some of the red points are now moved to the blue points. Now, these points belong to the group of blue color items.
  • The same process will continue in Diagram 3. we will join the two points and draw a perpendicular line to that and find out the centroid. Now the two points will move to its centroid and again some of the red points get converted to blue points.
  • The same process is happening in Diagram 4. This process will be continued until and unless we get two completely different clusters of these groups.


Identifying crime localities:

With data related to crimes available in specific localities in a city, the category of crime, the area of the crime, and the association between the two can give quality insight into crime-prone areas within a city or a locality.

Insurance fraud detection:

Machine learning has a critical role to play in fraud detection and has numerous applications in automobile, healthcare, and insurance fraud detection. utilizing past historical data on fraudulent claims, it is possible to isolate new claims based on its proximity to clusters that indicate fraudulent patterns. since insurance fraud can potentially have a multi-million dollar impact on a company, the ability to detect frauds is crucial.

Cyber-profiling criminals:

Cyber-profiling is the process of collecting data from individuals and groups to identify significant co-relations. the idea of cyber profiling is derived from criminal profiles, which provide information on the investigation division to classify the types of criminals who were at the crime scene.

Rideshare data analysis:

The publicly available uber ride information dataset provides a large amount of valuable data around traffic, transit time, peak pickup localities, and more. analyzing this data is useful not just in the context of uber but also in providing insight into urban traffic patterns and helping us plan for the cities of the future.

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